Monday, October 22, 2007


Joe and I went pumpkin picking today!

We went to Jone's Family Farms, which is where we've been going for several years to cut down our Christmas trees. Their pumpkin patch is on Pumpkinseed Hill and is covered with thousands of beautiful pumpkins!

They of course have bright orange pumpkins, but they also had pink squashes that looked like pumpkins and were covered in things that looked like warts! They had white pumpkins and green pumpkins, too!

I got an orange one.

Joe got a sort of striped white and yellow and green one.

We also got four tiny little mini pumpkins and some of the craziest gourds I've ever seen!

And some little white pumpkins with orange and green stripes. Crazy!

I can't wait to carve them and make pumpkin seeds!

I'll post pictures soon.


sydelbow said...

I am so jealous. I wanted to go for pumpkins this year and to cook the seeds like when i was a kid. I emailed my mom about it and she CLAIMS she emailed me back but I think she's a liar.

Allie said...

It's not too late! You still have one more weekend! And if not, you can always go to Stop & Shop and buy a pumpkin for $4.99 and yank out the seeds and bake them.

We will be baking our seeds. One tiny, toaster-oven-sized batch at a time.

sydelbow said...

(I stole this other girls pumpkin seeds. yes, really.)