Thursday, August 21, 2008

I still say "tape".

As in, let's tape this show.  


How about, "digitally record".

Some day I'll get with it.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


It has been deemed, by higher authorities than myself, that today I am worth $.65/hour more than I was worth yesterday.


The rapture.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Did you ever watch any of those shows, on say, the Discovery Channel, that highlight mass production?  

They show factories that have nary a human in sight and all of the production is done by precision robotics.

Why do those factories have lights?

Can't the robots work in the dark?

Thursday, August 7, 2008


Sergeant Witherbee!


Your Stupid

If you just read the title of this blog post, and took it personally, then I am talking to YOU.

Just to clear things up...

"Your" shows belonging.

"You're" is a contraction of YOU ARE.  

I read so many blogs or comments written by people who use "your" for everything.  

Such as, "Your misuse of vocabulary implies that your stupid."


At the risk of confusing you, YOU'RE lazy or stupid or both if YOUR brain can't learn the difference between you're and your. 

Please, people.  Learn your WORDS.

Good grammar saves lives.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Camp Aspetuck

I used to work there, in what feels like another lifetime.  

It is a small Girl Scout day camp tucked away in Weston, CT.  Today I went back for a visit, since my sister "Periwinkle" still works there.

I haven't been back to camp in eleven years.

Everything was still the same.  Same dark staff porch, same rickety brown lodge.  Same wonderful smell of campfires and dirt and fresh air.

I'm glad it was the same.  I think I would have been upset if it had gone all shiny and new on me.  But It was funny to be there.  Like I had stepped back in time. 

I wonder what it will look like in eleven more years...