Wednesday, May 9, 2007

The nose knows.

All right, that title has nothing to do with anything. Sort of.

I was at work today, sizing a ring or something, when they guy who sits at the bench next time mine turns to me and says (in very broken English, because I guess 22 years in America isn't quite long enough to get a grasp on the language), "I like your nose."

I'm dead serious.

So I laugh, because that was a totally absurd comment which I was totally not expecting, and he says, "No, really, you have nice nose."

So I thanked him. Because what else on earth do you possibly do in that situation? Make a joke? My nose is all right I guess, but sometimes it really blows. Ba dum bum, schh.

So in case any of you hear of any companies who are in desperate need of a nose model, apparently I'm your girl.


sydelbow said...

I can totally see your face during this exchange.

Allie said...

Are you sure in your mind's eye my face isn't blurred by the angelic halo surrounding my nose???