Wednesday, May 23, 2007


All right.

First, my crazy coworker said he liked my nose.

Then, he asked me how much I weigh.

TODAY, he topped himself.

I, as usual, was minding my own business, pretending to like my job and trying to work quickly in the vain hope that the speed of the clock's hands would mirror that of my own. It was then that said crazy coworker told me I had lost weight. I, in my most leave-me-alone-and-stop-talking-about-inapropriately-personal-subjects tone of voice, said no and pointedly turned back to my work. Undeterred, he insisted I had lost weight. Not having changed my obviously unnoticed tone of voice, I explained my weight was, in fact, not any different, and perhaps he was confused by the difference between my baggy winter garb and my lighter summer wear. His reply? "yes, I must be seeing it differently...because when I first met you, you looked chubby."


Those of you who know me can certainly attest to the fact that I have never, not once, ever been called anything remotely close to chubby. Those of you who don't know me, but still live here on earth, can MOST certainly attest to the fact that you do not first insist someone lost weight and then explain your inaccuracy by saying, oops, I thought you used to be CHUBBY!

He's nuts! Part of me thinks I shouldn't be bothered by it, since the guy is from Ecuador and maybe down there this subject would be a more socially acceptable conversation to have with a coworker. The other 99% thinks that this frigging guy has been in America for TWENTY TWO YEARS and he should have a better grasp on what you should and should not say to anyone at work!

What will he possibly ask me next...


sydelbow said...

You should put in a formal complaint. Seriously, because without the initial formal complaint, you will have no hope of getting him fired the next time he is ridiculously inappropriate for the workplace.

Allie said...

yeah. That was totally my plan if he said anything else crazy. So far, nothing else crazy inappropriate. Today he did tell me that the next time he goes home to Ecuador, he's going to go to the amazon to get a natural health remedy for kidney stones.