Monday, September 8, 2008

Headlamps. And anatomy.

I had to use a headlamp for a recent home improvement project.  I was trying to cut in the walls of a closet up near the ceiling before I painted them.  I must have had to adjust my headlamp 72 times.  It never seemed to be pointing where I was looking.

It got me thinking.  Are we ever really facing what we are doing at a perfect 90 degree angle?  It seems that we are not.  And it really surprised me to find out just how little of the time I was pointing my whole head in the direction I was looking with my eyes.  

It didn't seem fair that my neck got to be lazy while my eyes had to work double time just to keep everything on an even keel.  I wonder how many parts of our bodies and minds are constantly compensating for other, lazier, body parts...

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