Wednesday, May 30, 2007

You can take Joe and me out of the ghetto...

Well, you know the rest.

Joe and I decided to make some barbecued pork ribs on the grill tonight.

We put them on around 7.

What we didn't know was that ribs take h o u r s to cook.


So we decided to cook on...worst case scenario, we would just eat something else for dinner while the ribs cooked, and then eat the ribs tomorrow.

So we kept checking the ribs, and checking the grill, and checking the ribs...

Around 8:30, we checked the ribs again (not sure what exactly we were checking, mind you, since neither of us had ever grilled ribs before) and as we did, Joe saw that the flame had gone out.

Yes. No flame. We were out of propane.
This makes it very difficult to cook ANYthing.

Well, the ribs were cooked enough, we guessed. Not pink or anything. So we decided to eat them and risk possibly poisoning ourselves.

I decided to make instant mashed potatoes. If the ribs were a disaster, at least we would have the potatoes. Can't go wrong with instant mashed potatoes.

Unless the only milk in the house is just starting to turn sour and you have to make the potatoes with only water and butter.


I did actually brave the ribs and the milk-less potatoes. Not the worst meal I've had, and I haven't un-eaten it yet, so I'm fairly certain I haven't poisoned myself.

But Joe?

He had a tuna sandwich for dinner. :)


sydelbow said...

... Allie... this is a cry for help.
Do you need me to buy you some groceries? I will happily drive up and go to the supermarket with you.

Allie said...


We are actually going grocery shopping tonight, since we have noooo food in the house. Well, besides dog food. At least Otter is all set. :)