Monday, May 14, 2007

I should be at the gym right now.

Instead, I am sitting on the couch, doing absolutely nothing. I just polished off half a box of Tagalongs...that's right, half...I, at that half-way point in the box, had one iota of self-control left. And am now trying to convince my bladder that I do not, in fact, have to pee every thirty seconds. I am still forcing myself to drink lots of fluids during the day to try and conquer this kidney stone, but I think the kidney stone is winning.

I saw my chiropractor today and my back cracked like, six ways to Sunday. It felt good. And he massaged my lower back which was great since I was really sore from a weekend of installing radiant floor heating in my upstairs bathroom, via the kitchen ceiling. (If I ever remember to charge my camera battery, I will post some photos of our ceiling all striped with bright orange hose and aluminum plates).

Wednesday, it's back to the chiropractor. Trying to get my neck to curve the right way. Right now it doesn't. :P Since it's curved the wrong way, it's causing some of the discs in my neck to compress and wear away. Also, it's causing the early stages of arthritis. :P So, for me, it a trip to the chiropractor twice a week and traction every night. (I've been very bad at doing my traction lately because of all the pain in my kidney. Bad Allie.) If you're in need of a chiropractor in the Stratford area, Dr. Pesale is great and his office staff is really friendly.

Thursday it's off the the eye doctor for my yearly checkup so I can get a new prescription for contacts, since I ran out like a month ago and have been forced against my will to wear my glasses. Boo glasses. The security guy at work did tell me I reminded me of Superman/Clark Kent with my sometimes-contacts, sometimes-glasses identity. His name is Rich. He's nice, and he as also had kidney stones. :(

Friday, I get to meet my new urologist, Dr. Singh. He is hopefully going to tell me that we can absolutely do lithotripsy to remove my ever-growing kidney stone. Keep your fingers crossed for me.

For those of you who are counting, that's four doctors visits in five days. When did I turn 90?

Also, and I'm sure I'm not alone here, I am allergic to spring! I have been alternating between sneezing and blowing my nose CONSTANTLY since about Friday.

I'm kind of a walking disaster. Someone at work today flippantly said, "hi! how are you?". Boy, they had no idea what they were in for! :) My brain instantly went through the long answer (kidney pain, back pain, chapped lips, sore nose, allergies...)but I smiled and said, "Good!" Liar. I wonder if they were lying, too, when they told me how they were doing?

Anyway, Joe just got me some Benadryl at the store so I am going to go eat the entire box. :)

And then watch Heroes! Are you on the list?

ps...I just spell-checked this post and when the computer got to "lithotripsy" and didn't understand it, the only word it could think of as a substitute was "death trap". LOL


the benadryl worked a w e s o m e.
I heart benadryl.


sydelbow said...

Oh duuuuuuude. You're not ninety. I'll ay 83ish.

I'm not on the Heroes list. BUT I AM ONE EPISODE FROM CAUGHT UP. I watched the last 10 on the web (annoying btw).

Allie said...

oooh, it's good you're almost caught's getting sooo goood! next week is the season finale...then we'll just have to jones until next season.