I was walking across a parking lot today and saw a credit card on the ground. I picked it up so I could alert the credit company, and lo and behold! It was no credit card...it was a $50 prepaid gas card! Yee ha.

But then, my luck couldn't be that good, could it? I ran my errand and got back into my car to head home. I assumed that the card was empty and some litterbug had just tossed it in the parking lot, but I decided to call Joe at home and have him check the balance of the card online just to be sure.
It turns out my luck WAS that good. $18.66 good. Not quite the full $50, but still, that $18.66 was good for at least a gallon of gas! ;P And the timing of it all couldn't have been better, since my gas tank was gasping on E.
So I stopped at the Mobil on the merrit and exhausted the gift card. It bought me a little less than 6 gallons. Wanting to fill my 22 gallon tank completely, I started a new transaction and paid the balance with my debit card.
It took me ANOTHER $43.36 to fill my tank.
I wanted to cry.
"but still, that $18.66 was good for at least a gallon of gas! ;P"
I paid $3.09 yesterday on the way home from VT. I wanted to open the window and fill up the whole car for that price!
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