Wicker dinosaur.
Wicker Lobster.
Wicker moose.
Wicker giraffe.
And, easily our favorite, the wicker shark. We inquired about the prices of the wicker animals only to find that, alas, they were not for sale. The man in Japan who made them has died. So sad.
After the wicker wonderland, we made our merry way to the orchard.
There were reindeer! They liked to eat apples from your hand.
They also liked to get nose goo on my lens.
Reindeer butt.
Pretty reindeer.
There were also horses. If you look closely, you can see me in the horse's eye.
Horse butt.
This horse took a particular liking to Jon and followed us a little ways down the hill.

Penny decided there was a better way to get down the hill than walking...
Once we found the apples we wanted, Emily discovered the first really pretty one of the day.
Then I found a pretty one of my own. I have already forgotten what variety of apple it is. It was very yummy though.
Sarah liked to pick the Galas because those are her favorite.
More pretty apples.
Joe quickly figured out that the best apples were high up in the trees.
Joe and I!
The orchard had several ladders available for our use. We didn't use them though, since climbing apple trees is way more fun than climbing ladders.
See? I told you. Look how much fun we're having!
Sarah and I have pictures of us in a tree from just about everywhere we go. Today was no exception.
Emily got into the tree climbing action as well.
Multitasking...hi Miss Annie!
The weather was crazy. One minutes it was really hot and sunny, the next would be dark and breezy. And in case you think I am trying to fool you, don't worry...I know these aren't apples.
There was a pumpkin patch on the property as well, though the pumpkins left a little bit to be desired. The vines were really cool.
Penny and I took a ride together. Weee!
We were not sure what these were. But they were brightly colored. And shiny.
Joe kept telling me to stop taking pictures and pick some apples, so here is proof that I did in fact pick some apples.
Of course Jon climbed a tree as well. Just before I snapped this photo, Emily told Jon to show her "angry". I'm not convinced.
Another pretty apple.
The whole gang again, this time on a giant apple crate.
After apple picking, we went to Jon and Emily's house to meet their dogs. On the way there, we saw this. Only in Vermont.
This little girl stole Joe's heart. He's wanted a bulldog for a while, and meeting her convinced us both that bulldogs are great.
When we got back to Sarah and Penny's house, we made a pie. Joe and I did not get to taste the pie, since we had to drive home and feed our own dog. Tomorrow we will be making our own freshly baked apple pie!
Our next goal is pumpkin picking...
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