The one thing Joe really wanted in the kitchen was one of those open cabinets that you store your dishes in. So we installed one opposite the dishwasher where it would make Joe happy, but I wouldn't have to look at it as I initially walked into the kitchen (I think they are little too country looking).
We initially installed the cabinet with no problem. Or at least, we didn't think there was a problem...until I went to install the dowels that hold the plates up. They only work in one direction...not the direction we had the cabinet hung. We had it upside down. This meant the dowels, instead of resting securely in place, sort of just loosely sat in the bottom support and just flopped around.
As annoying as this was, it was really good that I figured it out when I did, because at that time- before the molding and the faux panel that later hid the joint on the side of the cabinet- it wasn't a big deal to take the cabinet down and flip it over.
Fast forward to when all the cabinets are hung and almost all of the molding is done, but before we have hardware...
Joe and I started unpacking our kitchen supplies from the attic and the dining room and putting them away in the kitchen where they belonged. We get to the dishes with Joe standing behind me, I attempt to put the first dish into Joe's fancy rack.
I say this because as I tried to put the dish into the rack, it got stuck between the supports that hold the dowels. Our dishes are too tall to fit into the rack.

Joe and I looked at each other...looked at the dish...looked at each other again...and died laughing. We laughed so hard we cried. I almost dropped the dish. If either of us had been drinking milk, it would have shot out of our nose. It was the sort of rediculous last straw that could send an otherwise normal person off the deep end. Just one more exhibit of Murphy's Law, come to curse our shiny new, increasingly dysfunctional kitchen.
For now we just decided to put the bread plates in the rack.

Maybe some day we will go buy new dishes that fit in the rack. Or maybe I will dismantle the dowel supports and modify them to accept our current dishes.
But for now, it just makes us laugh. Really hard.
Super nice.
(smashes self in head with too-big plate)
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